ViewsMidEast by Cartoon Movement-US for October 31, 2011

  1. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  over 12 years ago

    …along with their secret dealings with the bloke.

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 12 years ago

    Isn’t “history” supposed to be the dust bin? Now as to western dealings over the years with the “late great dictator”??

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 12 years ago

    ^There is also the sad fact that Iran AIr was SHOT DOWN by a U.S. warship, “defending” the Persian Gulf, on hyper-alert, and shot down a PERSIAN civilian aircraft. Putting our military out in every part of the world to “defend our interests”, political, not physical, may be more a danger than a “security”. We need to consider more carefully just WHOSE finger is constantly on the trigger.

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  4. Missing large
    Shanbo1926  over 12 years ago

    Flight 655 was a mistake, which put the stupidity and dishonesty of the American military on display for the world to see.

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 12 years ago

    Gray, I love my country, which is why stupidity like “W”, Cantor, Boehner, B of A, and those who want to destroy it should be the ones leaving. I left to fight for it, sorry about that whole Cheney / “w” cowardice and desertion thing. My son has had “contact” with those Muslims you hate, my friends died in Iraq in a “war” that never should have started. Now, as to your CS friends Cantor, Boehner, McConnell, and Norquist, when will THEY actually show they care more about this country than their, or their “friends” personal greed and profit????

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  6. Infantry
    aguirra3  over 12 years ago

    When will you see that blind faith in Dems is just a crutch. Both parties stink because all they want is power.

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  7. June 27th 2009   wwcd
    BrianCrook  over 12 years ago

    SenorBull, please stop the hysteria & conspiracies. Yes, downing the Iranian AirBus was wrong, and yes, it helped prompt the Lockerbie disaster, but you have no evidence of conspiracy or that an apology would’ve changed anything.The Airbus disaster was a demonstration of Reagan’s inept handling of our military just as the hundred-thousand Iraqis dead since 2003 demonstrate Bush-Cheney’s ineptitude.

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  8. June 27th 2009   wwcd
    BrianCrook  over 12 years ago

    The attack on flight 655 & the attack on flight 103 were acts of terrorism. The U.S. Navy had no business in this “war zone” and had been sent there w/out a decent plan, which is part of the reason that these Iranians lost their lives. Flight 655 was on its routine path at its routine time. it had flown many times through the “war zone”.

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  9. June 27th 2009   wwcd
    BrianCrook  over 12 years ago

    Do NOT use the word “asshole” to describe MY country, the United States of America, a great nation. I don’t know how you “served” your “country a—hole”, but you obviously are showing no love for America.If you loved America, then you would also love reason, truth, and fairness. When American society practices fairness, then we praise it. When it doesn’t, then we use reason & truth to restore and increase fairness.Trout is neither a terrorist nor a communist, but you, calling names, are certainly not a patriotic American. When you can reason with us and cease calling our country & us names, then perhaps we can continue to converse with you.

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  10. June 27th 2009   wwcd
    BrianCrook  over 12 years ago

    By the way, Hares, Trout was in the military during the Vietnam War, and served the military there. Thought that you might like to know.

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  11. Dr horrible1.jpg
    grayhares01  over 12 years ago

    In the end it’s not about serving, or not serving. It’s about your gut feelings about your country.


    trout, and legend and Eryx have shown an overwhelming propensity to blame America first, without knowing the facts. Regardless of what happens in the world, it’s America’s fault. Facts be damned.


    This shows a hatred for America, and they should leave. Trout first…

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  12. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 12 years ago

    Our National Parks, National Forests, and Public Lands, the best ideas any nation ever had, along with ESA, EPA, and efforts to preserve values for future generations. These are all things current “Republicans” want to “privatize” and destroy for profit, short term. A truly FREE MARKET, with viable regulations to protect the PUBLIC INTEREST in the stock market and banking, a good idea, destroyed by Reagan, Bush and Bush Jr, for the personal profit of a FEW, not what the founding fathers wanted, not even Hamilton. A social system where giving folks a “hand up” has gone from every man, to only those rich enough in money or family, to get “legacy” appointments to education, or political positions- NOT what the founding fathers intended. A military intended to be a “citizen militia” funded for only two years at a time, where EVERY CITIZEN was responsible for coming forth, not hiding out to wait for a highly profitable “civilian” position of power instead of putting their lives on the line.

    NO, to morons, I do not “hate” my nation, I love it dearly, and what it truly stood for, and stands for, NOT merely a podium for the rich to command from, and deny the rights of the many who will NOT reach the upper limits of wealth the “con men” promise, while pulling the legs out from under them.

    Interestingly I left my nation to fight for it, as did my son. We both ended up disabled veterans for our efforts. My son-in-law, an “evangelical Christian” devoted only to wealth acquisition, married my daughter, (who I do love, but it was HER choice as and individual) and it is THEY who actually left this country to pursue a “different” place to make their wealth, as the “American Dream” was snatched from them by an elite financial structure of uncaring thieves.

    I love my country, and work to change those things that have “gone wrong”, to FIX my country for the better, not just on blogs where even idiocy is “safe”, but out on the streets, in the battles waged locally, regionally, and nationally, politically and physically, to preserve, protect, and defend, this United States of America, a SECULAR nation, where ALL PEOPLE, not just corporations and their minions, can live FREE and AWARE, of THEIR worth, and responsibilities!

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  13. Dr horrible1.jpg
    grayhares01  over 12 years ago

    “I love my country, and work to change those things that have “gone wrong”

    .If you truly believe that, then your first order of business is to study what actually has gone wrong. When did America stop being the greatest country in the world?


    Anyone who looks back objectively can say that the early 60’s, just before Kennedy was killed, is when America was at the height of it’s power. Socially we still had a ways to go, but even there we were making great strides.


    Unfortunately, this is also when the modern liberal movement began. It had great intentions, but then, same as now, they completely ignored the law of unintended consequences. Let’s take a look at a few liberal movements, shall we?


    The women’s rights movement. The push for equality seemed a no-brainer. Get women out of the kitchen and allow them to have jobs, same as men. Who could argue against that?


    Well, reality for one. Almost immediately, you began to see the rise in things like latchkey kids, teen drug use, teen pregnancies, teen suicides, teen alcoholism. In fact, the rise in working moms correlates identically to the rise in those other things. It seems having mom home when junior got home from the 8th grade was a good thing after all.


    How about the sexual revolution? Do I need to go any farther than the slutty Halloween costumes for 11 year old girls to show where that went? Seems decorum and restraint was not such a bad thing after all.


    Social entitlement programs. Again, seemed like another no brainer. Help those who can’t help themselves.


    Unfortunately, when you pay someone to not work, they have no incentive to work, and you are eventually left with a society where 47% of the workforce does not pay taxes.


    Basically, liberals have taken a flourishing capitalist society, ruined it with socialist ideas, and then then blamed capitalism for the problems that socialism created.


    Stop being part of the problem and start being part of the solution.

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  14. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 12 years ago

    ^It went wrong about five minutes before you and your ilk crawled out from under your rocks, and you “get them off” by showing your ignorance.

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  15. Dr horrible1.jpg
    grayhares01  over 12 years ago

    Hey look, my lengthy and point for point post against trout diatribe was taken down by the evil liberal overlords.


    What a shock…

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