Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for January 23, 2003
"I'm sorry to have to take away your comic book, Nate...But 'Femme Fatality' is just too...provocative for a boy your age!" "But I'm not saying you can't read comics! I used to love comic books as a kid, too!" "So I dug out a box of my old comics! You can read these to your heart's content! They're classics!" "'Little Lotta'" "Love her freckles!"
bignatesbiggestfan12 about 12 years ago
I like his song. Nate shouldnt be reading it anyhow. Well, i guess im just saying that becuz im a girl and i dont like other girls
111111 over 6 years ago
TheAmazingCrafter over 4 years ago
More like disturbing instead of provocative
villanoville almost 4 years ago
‘provocative???’ this is the same kid with a really dirty mind and make comics like ‘Action Cat’ its a little too late for damage control
Snoopy is the Best! :) almost 3 years ago
Guys, looked it up… LITTLE LOTTA IS NOT A REAL COMIC STRIP!! Sorry, just stating the obvious.
STUFF ENJOYER 10 months ago