"Hey, Francis! Wanna trade? What do you have?"
"Tofu Bar."
"Teddy! What've you got there?"
"Rice cake."
"Sheila! Got anything good?"
"Bran Muffin."
"Stocking the snack machine with health food has taken all the joy out of the lunchtime barter system."
TheArsenalFan almost 9 years ago
I would trade for the muffin in a heartbeat also FIRST
111111 over 6 years ago
I like carrots and oranges. My schools hot lunch gets pizza on fridays, grilled chicken sandwiches every other wednesday.
Sir Squeaks over 4 years ago
I love bran muffins
MatthewMukkala about 4 years ago
Tofu bar? really? That can not taste very good.
SamuelZhao almost 4 years ago
Bran muffins are good
Cute Ice Cream (Cute Cookie Bear) almost 4 years ago
i have fruit roll-ups!
Benjr1229 over 3 years ago
this strip reminds me of trading with piglins in Minecraft
NiceFacing about 2 years ago
Rice cakes are good, I don’t understand why Nate dislikes them.