Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for May 28, 2005
"Let me get this straight, Gina: you won't print my comic strip?" "Your comic strip attacking Mrs. Godfrey? No, I won't!" "This is censorship! "Mrs. Gosley" desrves to be seen!" "You think so?" "Well, here comes Mrs. Godfrey. Let her see it." "Rip Rip Rip Rip Rip Rip Rip Rip Rip Rip"
De_Faulto almost 12 years ago
sonicthehedgehog over 10 years ago
very smart
SameriteRL almost 10 years ago
Nice reflexes Nate
COMICSRLIFE almost 7 years ago
Nate SHOULD have said: “Mrs. Gosley deserves to be seen… by the garbage can!”
Arcery 8 months ago
Did he never think that Godfrey might end up seeing them?