"A trombone, Wright? A trombone? What's that all about?" "Are they having orchestra practice outdoors now? Hey, where's the tuba section?" scoop! "...Or are you just planning to play a concert for...uh...Hey, what are you...?" pack pack pack BLAAAT!!
Big Nate Rocks! almost 12 years ago
…..if you have a trombone.
Sonicx79 almost 11 years ago
Or a chain saw
scribbledribble over 6 years ago
Screaming_goat over 5 years ago
If anyone is wondering, I have tried this with a plastic trumpet and it does not work.
Rocky07 almost 5 years ago
They call each other by their surnames
MaxNissen over 4 years ago
danielcupitt over 4 years ago
SophieDaBigNateFan about 4 years ago
Epic :P
Dumb Dancin' Spitzy [Eats Lawn Mower]:) about 3 years ago
Right in the face!
!_H8_M0ND@YZ 7 months ago
he uses trombones for a lot of gags