Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for October 17, 2004
"Hi, Principal Nichols." "Er...hello, Nate." "Why aren't you in class?" "I'm changing home rooms." "I beg your pardon?" "Mrs. Godfrey's homeroom isn't a good fit for me, so I'm switching to Mr. Rosa's." "I've carefully considered all of my options and Mr. Rosa's is the best fit for me." "It'll be a great environment for me. I think I'm really going to thrive there." "Plus, they've got great chemistry in that classroom. I'm really looking forward to joining the Rosa team." "You've got twenty seconds to get back to Mrs. Godfrey's room. Or else." "In sixth grade, free agency is an idea whose time has not yet come."
svkakkad over 11 years ago
@guywithgunHe’s wearing a orange jacket instead of a green plaid, and you got used to that plaid, and now it is the orange, and so that’s why his skin looks different.
momo150 over 11 years ago
he was white in one strip
Tater over 10 years ago
Or else what, Principal Nichols?
I<3Garfield almost 9 years ago
why is principal nicholas black? he was always white!
...dfd about 8 years ago
I hate Mr Nicholz
2Riley18 almost 7 years ago
ive never seen this strip befor!
NFT Lawn Care almost 4 years ago
Why can’t he switch?
I-Love-Big-Nate almost 4 years ago
hold it, why is he black now? sry for the racism
Die Barney over 3 years ago
why is principal Nicholas green?
villanoville over 3 years ago
why cant principal nichols just switch nate’s homeroom to mr rosa? im sure he and mrs godfrey would be happier that way. its almost as boneheaded as putting nate in front of gina every year
abdullahcfc07 almost 3 years ago
principal Nichols is a literal rainbow
rock_smasher_9 3 months ago
why’s he look like that