Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for August 30, 2009
Body surfing! Frisbee! Social Studies!? Francis thinks, "Fascinating!" Nate says, "I can't believe school starts tomorrow." Teddy says, "I know." Nate says, "Guys, we can't let this day go to waste!" Teddy says, "Whatta ya mean?" Nate says, "It's the last day of vacation! We can't just let it go by like any other day! We've got to make it count!" Francis says, "You're right!" Nate says, "We've got to accomplish something!" Teddy says, "But what?" Francis says, "I know!" Francis says, "I brought my science textbook! Let's quiz each other so we're prepared for tomorrow!" Skwonk! Nate says, "The school year's off to a good start!" Teddy says, "I feel more accomplished already!"
teddyortiz#1fan over 11 years ago
uh… theyre in sixth grade.
Comisftw over 10 years ago
SKWONK???Some sound effects are weird
Johnnie Polo Premium Member almost 8 years ago
That dude has a bad sunburn!
Venetus Alpha about 7 years ago
Why can’t there be more people like Francis?
Elvis Presley about 7 years ago
Oooh. You can see his butt-crack!!
Buizel almost 5 years ago
who gives out a quiz on the first day of school?
nintendopoptarts64 almost 2 years ago
Francis deserved that
STUFF ENJOYER about 1 year ago
Smart idea.