Reminds me of the fantasy gunfights I had with some turkeys at the OK Corral of my imagination (actually it was a farmyard, overseas, and the turkeys put on a big, noisy show, but then backed down when I advanced on them on my way to the farmhouse). Of course, hand-turkeys are a different breed!
margueritem about 13 years ago
The attack of the Thanksgiving hand turkeys!
pouncingtiger about 13 years ago
Those kindergarteners have big hands.
pouncingtiger about 13 years ago
The hand turkeys look like they’re going to stuff Lio.
Sisyphos about 13 years ago
Reminds me of the fantasy gunfights I had with some turkeys at the OK Corral of my imagination (actually it was a farmyard, overseas, and the turkeys put on a big, noisy show, but then backed down when I advanced on them on my way to the farmhouse). Of course, hand-turkeys are a different breed!
zero about 13 years ago
The second creepiest thing to Jazz Hands…
x_Tech about 13 years ago
Thanksgiving? Lio should already be well in to the Christmas Arts & Crafts by now.
Yukoneric about 13 years ago
Attack of the Turkish hands……………….
rockngolfer about 13 years ago
A lot of left handed kindergatners (to draw the right hand)
Comic Rogue about 13 years ago
That almost has absolutely to do with the fact that Turkey Hands are trying to “gobble” Lio! XD
johndifool about 13 years ago
“Those kindergarteners have big hands.”
You’re right. I guess Rule of Funny overrides consistency (Lio’s hands are dwarfed by the paper hand turkeys, and he’s what-a 2nd grader?).
Digital Frog about 13 years ago
at least none of the hands flipped him the bird…
Charles Weir about 13 years ago
By his expression, he could be running from the teacher after he liberated the turkeys.
Sherlock Watson about 13 years ago
All right, who let the Frankenstein boy near the paper plates?
pookymk about 13 years ago
hahaha turkey hands
lssy about 13 years ago
Run little turkey run!!!
garfeildfox about 13 years ago
These are so brain washed