Mutt & Jeff by Bud Fisher for November 06, 2011

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    Llewellenbruce  about 13 years ago

    Oh the good old days when parents could stillspank their naughty kids.

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    Valis616  about 13 years ago

    And when big-name baseball players would still come down to the Little League ball park…

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    Knightman Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Amen, to all the comments on this strip!

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  4. Tsali manywounds
    Tsali-Queyi  about 13 years ago

    I would get a spanking from a neighbor and hope my parents didn’t find out, or I’d get another one. Now doctors just give misbehaving kids Zombie pills and give it a fancy name. And the authorities can’t figure out why our prisons are filling up so fast.

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    pdking77  about 13 years ago

    Great day in the morning! Do you have any idea how much that autographed Mickey Mantle baseball would be worth!

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    Number Three  about 13 years ago

    Oh my God, So funny.

    LOL xxx

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  7. Pecan pie2
    peconpie2  about 13 years ago

    Mickey Mantle?? Just how old is this strip?

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    Sherlock Watson  about 13 years ago

    Serious comment: Beating kids doesn’t teach them that they did something wrong, it just teaches them that it’s wrong to get caught. Explanations are better than abuse.

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    Randyt8  about 13 years ago

    Mickey Mantle played from 1951-68 so this had to be written some time between those years.

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    Dberrymanal1  about 13 years ago

    It was after World War II that college egg-heads started teaching parents they should not spank their kids. We then had the leather-jacket thugs,(Fonzi is a myth), the hippies, the punk-rockers, and the skin-heads! I rest my case!

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