How's the senior-pictures-as-history project coming? "We're just hitting the good part." "Mrs. Olsen was a babe?!" "We're about to learn that skeptics make the best historians." "Wait a minute. That's a Ralph Lauren shirt."
@KZ71 — no joke! I created an account just to say that! I started reading through Frazz because folks have compared it with Calvin and Hobbes, but it abounds with talking heads and recycled panels like this one — things that Watterson lampooned, particularly after his last sabbatical and before he called it quits! Watterson made some unique snowmen with remarkably few repeats. Mallett seems like he made two or three, than started cranking out copies of those few into mass production.
No, i love frazz. He made gorgeous characters, a strong environment and a world of morals. Nobody expects ANY comic to stand at calvin’s height, but this is as close as you get. From poems, scenery and literature, this guy does it all. Also, this is the only recycled panel I’ve seen
KZ71 over 10 years ago
Way to recycle a panel…
ableberry about 8 years ago
@KZ71 — no joke! I created an account just to say that! I started reading through Frazz because folks have compared it with Calvin and Hobbes, but it abounds with talking heads and recycled panels like this one — things that Watterson lampooned, particularly after his last sabbatical and before he called it quits! Watterson made some unique snowmen with remarkably few repeats. Mallett seems like he made two or three, than started cranking out copies of those few into mass production.
starclaw about 7 years ago
No, i love frazz. He made gorgeous characters, a strong environment and a world of morals. Nobody expects ANY comic to stand at calvin’s height, but this is as close as you get. From poems, scenery and literature, this guy does it all. Also, this is the only recycled panel I’ve seen
DKHenderson 3 months ago
What’s wrong with recycling a panel, if it fits the story? On television they call it a “flashback”.