Frazz by Jef Mallett for February 25, 2002
"What's with the blobby potpie?" "It's pasty." "Cornish miners brought them to Michigan's upper peninsula in the 1800s." "They were the perfect miner's lunch- easy to carry, and you cooked them on a shovel over a fire." "That way they didn't have to wait in line for the microwave!" "Something like that."
SuperNick1112 almost 12 years ago
aardvark86au over 8 years ago
… and if they wanted they could have a savoury filling up one end and a sweet one up the other. Note to self – cook pasties in the near future.
DonLee2 over 5 years ago
And it’s pronounced PASS-tee with the short “a” — the distinction is important!