Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for December 01, 2011

  1. Dresden av
    Veridian  about 13 years ago

    Hey Dorian…Methinks we have Nothing to Fear for our Lantern jawed Lunkhead and his Sugar Bullets! Believe me, No Woman gets THAT Angry at a Guy unless she’s really Really REALLY in Love! Of Course, there IS more than a little Truth to the Adage: Love HURTS So Affection-induced Abrasions, Avulsions and other Assorted Boo-Boos ARE a Distinct Possibility :-) HUGPOUNCEZZZ and Have a Good’un Y’all!

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    Chas60  about 13 years ago

    Well alls fair in love and war. And I believe Rip’s in for the biggest war hes ever had!

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    Knightman Premium Member about 13 years ago

    I don’t think he can get out of this mess.

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  4. Dorian tenore logo
    DorianKTB  about 13 years ago

    Veridian, having grown up in a family of amorous emotional types, I agree with you 100% that the angrier Cobra gets at Rip’s betrayal, the more it means she really loves him! And you know what the old song says: “You always hurt the one you love!” :-) Nevertheless, I foresee lots of jumping through hoops before Rip and Cobra get back together. And I’m sure they will, if only because Cobra’s piquant pan is still emblazoned on the pictures above the comic strip! :-) Here’s to a happier holiday season to you and everyone here in real life, including HOLIDAY HUGPOUNCESZZ! :-)

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  5. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  about 13 years ago

    Panel 3 is PRICELESS! Notice how Rip’s hair is desperately trying to make a break for it.

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    kaystari Premium Member about 13 years ago

    She took it out of the public eye, shes a classy babe. rip better try harder, real harder….

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  7. Dresden av
    Veridian  about 13 years ago

    Oh THANKS Jack! :-) NOW I’ve got that Katy Perry Song Stuck in my Head LOL!

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  8. Dresden av
    Veridian  about 13 years ago

    Look again. Bliss was Busily Blathering away Boatside when our Favourite Blockheaded Beauhunk Brazenly Bussed her into her own Name ( Bliss). I also point out that such Obstreperous Osculation was at the Lady’s Own Request.

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