That isn’t how science always works gm. Sometimes you’re looking for the answer to a specific problem, and you find it. Sometimes you’re looking for the answer to a problem, you don’t find it, but you find something that puts you on the path to finding the answer, or find something that doesn’t help you in what you’re looking for, but helpfull elsewhere. Some research is purely for scientific advancement, and may not have practical applications when found, but might be the key to a future question. No one can know in advance what they’ll find, but still have to look to find answers. In any case, humanity is wealthier by increasing knowledge.
i_am_the_jam about 13 years ago
I COULD say some witty political comment here…but I don’t feel like it today :D
CasualBrowser about 13 years ago
That isn’t how science always works gm. Sometimes you’re looking for the answer to a specific problem, and you find it. Sometimes you’re looking for the answer to a problem, you don’t find it, but you find something that puts you on the path to finding the answer, or find something that doesn’t help you in what you’re looking for, but helpfull elsewhere. Some research is purely for scientific advancement, and may not have practical applications when found, but might be the key to a future question. No one can know in advance what they’ll find, but still have to look to find answers. In any case, humanity is wealthier by increasing knowledge.
J Short about 13 years ago
Don’t worry the government will print some more money.
finkd about 13 years ago
Good luck with that – you’ll need it. :-(
Ink-adink-adoo about 13 years ago
Well-deservedly, this will be clipped and thumbtacked to hundreds of thousands of laboratory bulletin boards across the nation.
jtviper7 about 13 years ago
Find them soon please…
burleigh2 about 13 years ago
That’s the gist of what I was thinking, too. ;-)
pschearer Premium Member about 13 years ago
“An Investigation into the Effects of Global Climate Change on [insert subject here]”
rabidhunter about 13 years ago
Why not do something useful, look for a cure for paper cuts!
iced tea about 13 years ago
Hire Americans!