Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for January 04, 2012
Chazz: Y'know, you pretending to get hurt on the ice reminds me: I should get you pet insurance. Chazz: I always forget to get it until after you've swallowed a chew toy, eaten something toxic, or fallen out of a tree. Chazz: Hello, yes, I'm calling about pet insurance for my dog. Chazz: His name is Poncho-- Phone: Click.
Catfeet Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Poncho’s pre-existing conditions precede him.
Hillbillyman almost 13 years ago
Remember Chaz,.he once swallowed his Kibble dish.
dre7861 almost 13 years ago
I think they’re saying that Poncho is a pre-exisiting condition.
Destiny23 almost 13 years ago
Sounds like they’ve been reading this strip!
LingeeWhiz almost 13 years ago
Ha, ha….well, Chaz, if he gets hurt too bad, you’ll just have to put him down.
rushfan3 almost 13 years ago
The Insurance Company has a do not insure Poncho list. Same as the Dontcall.gov list
burleigh2 almost 13 years ago
I love his shirt and how it shifts color when he moves!! Where can I get one of those?!?