Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for October 02, 1999
Rob Wilco: So a bunch of stupid "market research" came in and now I have to redo an entire account tonight. Satchel Pooch: Can I see? Hmm. Well, actually, I'm inclined to agree with this analysis. The present ad campaign may elicit unintended negative images, at least on an unconscious level...Rob? You ok? Rob Wilco: What? Oh, sorry, I'm having a hard time listening to you while you're holding Mr. Bones.
Droshala almost 3 years ago
Okay…I really don’t understand the fascination with this phenomenon, so I’m just going to try it to see what it’s all about…First! Nope…still nothing…
Yiga Outcast over 2 years ago
Wow. Satchel may be smarter than we first thought.
FrostbiteFalls about 2 years ago
Satchel gets an intelligence boost when he holds Mr. Bones?