Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for February 13, 2005
"I wanted to get that fleese blanket and put it over that pillow there." "Why don't you just get the fleece pillow and kill tow birds with one stone?" "Pssh. I'd liek to see you try." "Even assuming that they're Mellusuga Helenae, the smallest species in the world, and two of them were sitting together, which they don't usually do, that would require you to throw a stone and hit them with enough force to kill them both." "And frankly, I don't think you've got the stone for it." "Bucky... It's just an expression... Like a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." "Well now you're just babbling like a crazy person. That myth has pretty much been proven untrue. See, it's all about net weight and true market value. I'll explain..."
WentBrown about 4 years ago
Hmm the Bee Hummingbird.