Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for November 19, 2006
"What did you think of my new manuscript?" "'The Purrfect Storm'? It was stupid." "I liked it!" "Satchel, it was a story about cats killing off every other species on earth." "It was? Well...I still like it...but it's not as funny as I thought, maybe..." "So what are you going to do when the kibble hits the fan and the cats are comin' for you?" "I guess I'll just have to toss out a few fleece blankies and watch you idiots fall asleep on them." "Yes...fleece. Rest assured we are working on fleece containment devices 'round the clock." "Yeah? How's that goin'?" "I'm not going to lie...It could be better." "...But never you mind! You're just avoiding the disturbing questions my book raises!" "The only question your book raises is, 'Is it actually hate speech if it's totally misspelled?'" "'s meant to be..." "You'll just have to forgive me if I'm not worried about the Russian Blue revolution." "You just go bury your head in the kitty litter and pretend it's all OK..." "Ha ha! Eew!"
FrostbiteFalls almost 2 years ago
Someone’s gotta say it: some dogs would find that appealing.