Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for March 14, 2010
Rob says, "Well, I'm sick of changing your litter when you're too lazy to do it, so say hello to your new automatic litter box!" Bucky says, "Automatic?" Rob says, "Each time you use it, a robotic arm sweeps through and cleans it up!" Bucky says, "Uh... yeah, no. Not gonna happen. It's creepy." Rob says, "What's creepy about that? It's cleaner!" Bucky says, "What's creepy about a robot monitoring you in the potty? Are you mental?" Bucky says, "Ok, sure.... no, no- you're right. And hey, why don't we get you the new Hal 9000 with the bidet attachment?" Rob says, "Bucky..." Bucky says, "In fact, why stop there? Maybe Apple has an app that turns a Kevorkian machine into a condiment dispenser!" Rob says, "Fine. I'll return it." Bucky says, "Hey, maybe you could use liquid-form terminator T-1000 body wash to scrub your-" Rob says, "I said we're done!"