So in 2003 people decided to vote for the smart one, and so Obama joined the ranks of the smartest presidents of recent times: Jimmy Carter and Richard Nixon. Smart is good but not good enough.
As for Gingrich, he lost my support with his unconstitutional assault on judicial independence.
Nobody is going to beat Obama. The GOP is competing to see who gets to lose. (I tend to vote GOP by the way) I won’t bother voting for any of those stiff white guys.
NightGaunt49, so the Suprerme Court following the Constiuition is unCounstiutional? Have yoou read the Constiution? I think not, if you did you would find out that the Electorial College MUST vote on the FIRST MONDAY OF DECEMBER. The vourt had no choice in the matter, or do you throw out anything that conflicts with your views? That’s anarchy!
pschearer Premium Member about 13 years ago
So in 2003 people decided to vote for the smart one, and so Obama joined the ranks of the smartest presidents of recent times: Jimmy Carter and Richard Nixon. Smart is good but not good enough.
As for Gingrich, he lost my support with his unconstitutional assault on judicial independence.
Whitecamry about 13 years ago
No one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public. – H. L. Mencken
J Short about 13 years ago
Nobody is going to beat Obama. The GOP is competing to see who gets to lose. (I tend to vote GOP by the way) I won’t bother voting for any of those stiff white guys.
pschearer Premium Member about 13 years ago
Whitecamry: You got me there. What WAS I thinking?
J. Short: Somebody had BETTER beat Obama. America can’t survive four more years of him.
Bender_Sastre about 13 years ago
We unfortunately vote AGAINST presidential candidates and not FOR them. I voted to re-elect Bush because I thought Kerry would be worse.
J Short about 13 years ago
The president should get to hold office for 6 years with no re-election. They blow 2 years campaigning for the next election.
Randyt8 about 13 years ago
NightGaunt49, so the Suprerme Court following the Constiuition is unCounstiutional? Have yoou read the Constiution? I think not, if you did you would find out that the Electorial College MUST vote on the FIRST MONDAY OF DECEMBER. The vourt had no choice in the matter, or do you throw out anything that conflicts with your views? That’s anarchy!