My first job, other than a paper route, was at a print shop when I was in jr high school. That was in the 60s. I have a lot of fond memories from working there. Things are done differently now. Instead of a Linotype machine, everything’s done by keyboard. Instead of offset printers, everything’s printed with laser printers. Sure it’s easier now, and you can get better copy, but it was fascinating watching the machines work.
finkd about 13 years ago
He has snow chance of getting hired.
w2lj about 13 years ago
Great job of drawing Ernie!
Kazbot about 13 years ago
Ernie looks a lot like Rollo. Maybe this is the beginning of a whole new subplot!
Max Starman Jones about 13 years ago
Another tribute to the creator of “Nancy.” Usually we see “Bushmiller’s” as in the ice cream shop. This is the first time I’ve seen “Ernie.”
tegm about 13 years ago
“man needed” – ain’t that the truth~
Zaristerex about 13 years ago
A gentle, neutral comic like Nancy provokes comments from us about battle of the sexes on a consistent basis! Lol.
James Lindley Premium Member about 13 years ago
My first job, other than a paper route, was at a print shop when I was in jr high school. That was in the 60s. I have a lot of fond memories from working there. Things are done differently now. Instead of a Linotype machine, everything’s done by keyboard. Instead of offset printers, everything’s printed with laser printers. Sure it’s easier now, and you can get better copy, but it was fascinating watching the machines work.