Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for November 01, 1992
vote for one: vote for one: ya! This one!! Forget it! yuk! Luann: Did you know that only 36.2 percent of 18 to 24 year olds voted in the last presidential election? Brad: What is this, "Luann's news hour? Mom: 36.2? That's awful. Luann: I guess your age group is totally apathetic, Brad. Brad: You're the one who's pathetic, birdbrain. Luann: Apathetic. Brad: Whatever. Anyway, next year when I'm 18, I will vote for president. Luann: Next year you'll vote for president? Brad: Isn't that what I just said? Read my lips! Next year I will vote for president. Luann: No you won't. Brad: You wanna bet? Luann: Brad, we don't vote for president again for four years. Luann: Sure you did. Brad: I know that. I meant next time. Brad: I did. Luann: You're so ignorant. do you even know what the electoral college is? Brad: Yes. It's classes like wood shop and chorus and stuff. Luann: What?? Dad: Brad, electoral college....not college electives. Luann:Ha ha ha!! What a moron! Brad: Hey, I misunderstood the question, okay?! Dad: By the way, when are the debates on? Mom: Why, you think they'll be better than this?
sillls about 10 years ago
Brad is not in that age group Luann. He is 17. He has been that age for several years now.
I guess comics age much more slowly than the real world.