Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for January 11, 2012
Mom: Alice! Where have you been? Alice: In Dill's backyard. Mom: I don't want you to go in Dill's backyard anymore, do you understand? Alice: Why? My mom says your backyard is a combination junkyard, missile proving ground and Superfund site. Dill: Tell her it's also the world's largest private pet cemetery!
margueritem almost 13 years ago
And that has to count for something.
rayannina almost 13 years ago
Of course it counts for something — that’s one of the reasons it’s a Superfund site!
pouncingtiger almost 13 years ago
“Largest private pet cemetery!” Someone tell Dill’s parents to stop giving Dill any more pets.
x_Tech almost 13 years ago
Dill, that will be a really selling point with Alice’s mom.
Ida No almost 13 years ago
I don’t want to be buried in a pet cemetery.
APersonOfInterest almost 13 years ago
Also … there is a large cold spot back close the the dark hole.
Elaine Rosco Premium Member almost 13 years ago
In other words a toxic dump.
GROG Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Another good reason to stay out of there
J Short almost 13 years ago
Don’t go there? Now,she’ll go there for sure; something about beans in your ears.
LaurieandMarls almost 13 years ago
THus far, I don’t think I’ve met any of Dill’s pets. Only animal, I think, is Mr. Danders. Maybe we need a few more animals?
Gokie5 almost 13 years ago
@x_TechYou all seem like amiable people. Could x_Tech or someone please tell me how you make the person’s screen name (or whatever you call it) turn all blue when you want to address him/her? I asked me in-the-know relative how, and she said it just does it. When I pressed more, she said, “I DON”T KNOW!!" (as per).
Chibi-robo64 almost 13 years ago
Note to self: Never go into Cul de Sac in case of apocalypse, as Dill’s backyard will blow up and/or intoxicate his neighborhood and anything within a mile radius.
kjs9 almost 13 years ago
I don’t know, but in my childhood, Mom’s “I don’t want you to…” would only fuel an obsession for doing exactly that..
Saucy1121 Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Given the reputations of Dill’s brothers, the pets probably belonged to the. And, that’s probably why DILL doesn’t have any.
Popeyesforearm almost 13 years ago
Dill’s got that PigPen thang goin’ on today.
Sisyphos almost 13 years ago
Alice will obey her Mom. giggle snort!Yeah, right. Dill’s backyard sound like a very, very interesting place! I wanna go there, too!
Comics On The Brain almost 13 years ago
A perfect description!
Clearstream over 8 years ago
Did anyone notice the toxic waste sign?
Tijaro almost 4 years ago
there’s pry an ex-government facility underground as well.