Eek! by Scott Nickel for November 30, 2009

  1. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 15 years ago

    I’m not so sure about the doggie-lisp pun, but I know I don’t like Victim-guy’s orangey-pink and yellow multiple-striped shorts! They could provoke a barf from almost anyone!

     •  Reply
  2. Large dd2
    zero  about 15 years ago

    Finally! I’ve been waiting a long time for this joke ;-)

    BTW Barfy from Family Circus’s lawyer is on the phone…

     •  Reply
  3. Taz
    wilkins  about 15 years ago

    That’s going to leave an ugly stain. Not to mention a horrific smell.

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  4. Turnslower
    Larry Miller Premium Member about 15 years ago

    Sisyphos, I think the shorts are supposed to coordinate with a Charlie Brown sweater.

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  5. B3b2b771 4dd5 4067 bfef 5ade241cb8c2
    cdward  about 15 years ago

    Captain Orange meets Barf Boy

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  6. Foxhound1
    bald  about 15 years ago

    i told him not to let his dog have any more ice cream and schnapps

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  7. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member about 15 years ago

    that doggie could very well be the next Irish hurling champion

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  8. Missing large
    lisa4romMpls  about 15 years ago

    We let our dog eat a whole Dairy Queen cone once - the surrounding people had a hoot –and, she didn’t barf.

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  9. Baby angel with roses a
    Ushindi  about 15 years ago

    For some reason, I’ve never been able to get interested in projectile vomiting.

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  10. Honda motorcycle line rider
    robbiejohn123  about 15 years ago

    One snack to many, I see.

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  11. Tif whatifucan
    Ashrey  about 15 years ago

    Oh, hurl!

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