the media DOES seem to be painting Irsay in the worst possible light as the greedy , evil, manipulative and classless billionaire owner and Peyton as Mary Poppins*.*Practically Perfect in every way
The Irsay family has built up it’s justified reputation over two cities and two generations and several decades.
The Manning family also involves two generations but started later and is enhancing it’s reputation as greedy, evil, etc…
A pox on the both their houses.
Bill Hinds
August 01, 2014
Nighthawks Premium Member almost 13 years ago
the media DOES seem to be painting Irsay in the worst possible light as the greedy , evil, manipulative and classless billionaire owner and Peyton as Mary Poppins*.*Practically Perfect in every way
jollyjack almost 13 years ago
The Irsay family has built up it’s justified reputation over two cities and two generations and several decades.
The Manning family also involves two generations but started later and is enhancing it’s reputation as greedy, evil, etc…
A pox on the both their houses.