Over the Hedge by T Lewis and Michael Fry for February 15, 2012
verne: He's dormant...off-duty for the winter... RJ: no questions? tree: A large branch suddenly falls. crushing two passing idiots. RJ: hey! are you dormant?? Verne: i told you. Rj: hey! wake up! tree: No one would blame me. thumpa thumpa thumpa thumpa thumpa thumpa
john.barber almost 13 years ago
New character, a college-going insect… the “Dorm Ant.”
john.barber almost 13 years ago
Anyone…? Anyone…? Bueller…?
chireef almost 13 years ago
oh… i’m sorry was that a joke?
spamster almost 13 years ago
Um, why does he still have leaves?
doc white almost 13 years ago
Dormant,I was hearing door mat.
bubbareb almost 13 years ago
I’m a sentient tree. Why wouldn’t I keep my leaves? You earthlings are all alike. Just wait; after December, the world will be ours again. Your doom awaits.
Digital Frog almost 13 years ago
If a tree falls in the forest and hits a mime, does it make a sound?
Dtroutma almost 13 years ago
The tree has already proven more sentient than the average electorate.
justalurkr almost 13 years ago
I kind of like Verne. I’d cut off the premium plant food sticks and go with generic.
tarzina3 almost 13 years ago
where i work in tigard or. we have some maples that most winters will hold the dead leaves until the new ones push them out, sort of like life if you think about it! hi to bend , nabuquduriuzhur!
Bob. almost 13 years ago
We have had a couple of freezes in central FL
Bob. almost 13 years ago
Even set a low temp. record