Annie by Jay Maeder and Alan Kupperberg for June 25, 2014

  1. Rick
    davidf42  about 10 years ago

    Morning, Anniephans!Great idea, Oliver.

    Here’s the link to the 2005 Annie story, ”El Tocororo.”

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    Starman1948  about 10 years ago

    Good morning Annie and DT fans. Very good points gmartin997. The love of fame and fortune are going to win. But that’s another future story.

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    Kip W  about 10 years ago

    “Go fishing” is usually Warbucks-speak for “I’m bored. I think I’ll let someone kidnap Annie again.”

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    bassmanbob  about 10 years ago

    I’ve decide to complete and post the Annie/Tracy crossover story I began 4 years ago.Some quick explanations regarding this story. .1.It’s a continuation of the Annie story I wrote which can be viewed in June 23 Annie comments.

    2.I originally wrote this one as two separate stories from two different perspectives. I’ve somewhat combined them here.

    3.The story came out of the sadness of losing the Annie comic strip and of the state of the Tracy strip.

    4.This Tracy is based on the one we knew from 4 years ago. He’s different now.

    5.I plan on posting only a chapter or 2 a week.

    6.All comments are appreciated, I’m always willing to learn and improve.



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    bassmanbob  about 10 years ago

    The Mysterious Dr. Magpie Adventures!.

    CHAPTER 1.

    At Warbucks Headquarters;.

    “WHAT IN BLAZES DO YOU MEAN SHE’S GONE”? Santiago was prepared for Warbucks outburst so she didn’t flinch when he angrily screamed his question at her. “I mean she left. She went away. She flew the coop”. Warbucks felt his knees wanting to buckle under him. He accepted that he was still recovering from his wounds which were extremely grave. That didn’t mean he had to like it. Moving to the chair behind his desk he proceeded to sit down while taking a deep, long breath before leaning back. “Alright, read me the note again”. Santiago put the note that she found in Annie’s room back in front of her and proceeded to read it to Warbucks for the third time. “Daddy, I need some time by myself to figure some things out. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. I just need to find myself again. I’ll contact you soon.” Santiago took a long pause and then spoke to Warbucks.“Oliver, there is another sentence I’ve left out”. Warbucks arched his left eyebrow; “Really, and what might that sentence say”? Santiago took a deep breath then went ahead and continued reading. “Tell Amelia she was right. I’m going on an adventure to find myself”. Warbucks growled as he started to rise from his chair; “Right about what”?.Meanwhile, over at the Tracy household;.“Ye Gads! Who is that old man in the mirror”? Tracy was stunned at how bad the reflection that stared back at him looked. Could he really have aged so much? Wasn’t it just yesterday he was a raw rookie, eager to serve the people on the only job he ever knew? Ever wanted? “Dick, come to bed”! Closing the bathroom door behind him Tracy slowly walked toward the bedroom, sighing softly as he entered. “Tess looks just as beautiful as the day I first met her”, He thought to himself as a slight smile crossed his face. “Wonder why she has aged so well and I look and feel like Methuselah”? Tess could tell something was bothering him. She usually could. “What’s wrong Dick”? “I don’t know Tess. I guess I’m just feeling like some sort of comic strip character whose readership has dwindled to almost nothing and whose glory days are behind him”. Tess just smiled and gave him a hug, knowing that when he got into these “woe is me” moods there was nothing she could say to encourage him. “No, he’ll just have to work things out on his own, like he usually did”. She knew this was just the way it had to be. Dick continued; “I guess I just feel like a shell of myself these days. It feels like everyone at headquarters views me as some sort of dinosaur who can’t solve the simplest problem. It almost seems like every case I’ve been on the past few years has been some foolish situation that I managed to make a complete buffoon of myself. I feel that somewhere along the way I lost the man I was”. Tess paused for a moment then replied; “Well Dick, I guess you’ll just have to figure out a way to find yourself again, won’t you”? Tess said as she purposely leaned over him to turn out the lights.In the dark, Dick smiled..

    To Be Continued……

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