Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for March 07, 2012
Hi, kids! I'm Chip Cavendish, Chief Meteorologist for Channel 12 Action News! I'm here to talk to you about weather! I'll tell you what causes wind, rain, snow, and so on! ...and if you don't understand something I've said, just raise your hand and ask! How do you sleep at night, knowing you've destroyed Wink Summers' life? Tell you what, let's save the questions 'til the end.
jploch5408 almost 13 years ago
Or like seeing Carlton the Doorman from The Mary Tyler Moore Show, or Howard’s mother in The Big Bang Theory.
astar15 almost 13 years ago
Nate really hates this Chip of the old Block. And whoever is flagging my comments…stop it!
Comic Minister Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Nate calm down!
lightningsnowstorm almost 13 years ago
Am I the only one that sees the irony in his name: Chip Chavendish. Nate had a comic strip with chip chipson, a news reporter.
lightningsnowstorm almost 13 years ago
I can’t wait to see what Nate’s dad is handing out for halloween this year!!
Chibi-robo64 almost 13 years ago
Oh for crying out loud! SHUT UP, Nate! Although this is funny.
Dcab344 almost 13 years ago
I read this in an enthusiastic meteroligist voice
annepmai almost 13 years ago
i like big nate
wswsasd almost 13 years ago
how do u sleep at night, knowing u destroyed wink summers life?
byamrcn almost 13 years ago
I just love the kid’s loyalty.
rh Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Used to be a comic book called Henry. He never spoke.
orbenjawell Premium Member almost 13 years ago
I don’t think Nate’s so afraid" of cats as he is simply….adverse…to them. A manifestation, perhaps of his frustration re: never getting that dog he so longs for as a Christmas present from his “practical” dad. In recent years, Nate has semi-adopted Mr. Eustis" nut-case canine, Spitzy, who dosen’t quite fill the bill, and Spitzy story lines give most newcomers to the strip the idea that Spitzy is actually Nate’s pet.
BIGNATE#EPIC281 over 8 years ago
I like how the hi is enlargened!
DM9001 almost 6 years ago
His chin is really weird.
Deleted Account2623 almost 5 years ago
I doubt the TV weather people are actually meteorologists
Pizza_lover over 4 years ago
VMB! about 4 years ago
this was also on my B-Day
Spitsy the dumb dog over 3 years ago
He looks tired
doctorwho29 over 1 year ago
I wonder why Nate tends to obsess so