“and, this is why gentlemen, women can’t control their desires and wants. we have to control them by insane laws, doctrines, and values.” explained the gop congressman to fox news.
Enlarged (click to enlarge even more, or this full resolution, but slower to load, image to get really close up) available from here. Third time that, one of the 11 times (10 works, so proud of one pseudo-title, used it again), by this artist that have, so far, appeared in Mr. Melcher’s blog, have also appeared here.
Old Jean-Leon seemed to have had quite an interest in painting female slave auctions. No, I’m not complaining here – just making an observation about many of his works.
This is one of a number of artists that frequent this site who painted a lot of unclad lovelies. They may not have known art, but they knew what they liked to paint.
zero almost 13 years ago
A factual part of history some myopic, melanistic types feel irrelevant.
Veridian almost 13 years ago
SNERKKK Bad Putty-Tat! I just Snorted Dr.Pepper into my Sinus Cavities…Man Does that STING! :-)
vwdualnomand almost 13 years ago
“and, this is why gentlemen, women can’t control their desires and wants. we have to control them by insane laws, doctrines, and values.” explained the gop congressman to fox news.
pcolli almost 13 years ago
“Oh come on….She’s worth more than that. She IS my daughter, after all!”
V-Beast almost 13 years ago
Wardrobe malfunction.
SwimsWithSharks almost 13 years ago
Music and sunburns were yet to be a part of Spring Break ritual.
Coyoty Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Paula Abdul’s been drinking again.
rockngolfer almost 13 years ago
I’ll put in a bid, I’m raising my….hand.
mabrndt Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Enlarged (click to enlarge even more, or this full resolution, but slower to load, image to get really close up) available from here. Third time that, one of the 11 times (10 works, so proud of one pseudo-title, used it again), by this artist that have, so far, appeared in Mr. Melcher’s blog, have also appeared here.
APersonOfInterest almost 13 years ago
-Wait … don’t you have any happy ones?
APersonOfInterest almost 13 years ago
Can’t be Greek … I don’t see any boys.
SwimsWithSharks almost 13 years ago
Scene from Terence (classic Roman playwright) original play, “Taken”.
finale almost 13 years ago
A sure bet to end up on You Tube.
Space_cat almost 13 years ago
Brought to you by the Romans, Your EOE Slavers!
Demonick almost 13 years ago
I’ll even throw in a discount for her migraine headaches!
APersonOfInterest almost 13 years ago
Prefer a bit of hair do you?
snugharborman-catalog almost 13 years ago
Old Jean-Leon seemed to have had quite an interest in painting female slave auctions. No, I’m not complaining here – just making an observation about many of his works.
dutchs almost 13 years ago
This is one of a number of artists that frequent this site who painted a lot of unclad lovelies. They may not have known art, but they knew what they liked to paint.
mabrndt Premium Member about 11 years ago
Here is another work by this artist.