Back at the ranch...
Dutch: Have you seen Rip and Cobra?
RJ: I can't find TNT either.
Dutch: It's not like them to miss "the voice"! Adam Levine is being extra annoying tonight!
RJ: I think I know where they might be.
The Scorpions sting is a collection of the 2 Rip Haywire stories where the Scorpion was the villain. It’s a fun in full color collection of those 2 stories. You don’t need a kindle to get it, you just need the free kindle app for your computer or Ipad to view it. At $2.99 (which was the lowest price they’d allow me to price it) it’s might be worth it…on the print side…I’m going to be collecting the 3rd year of comics strips soon…the 1st Scorpion Story is in the first book and the 2nd will be in the 3rd book. I truly appreciate all of you Haywire Hooligans who purchase my books…While I’m not the most rewarded cartoonist, I certainly feel rewarded with fans like you guys!
For the record,I would love to purchase a full color collection of Rip and company in print. Glad to hear that a third book is in the offing. That should just about catch me up with where i came in. I’m also waiting for the next Rip Haywire graphic novel.
Uh-oh! Looks like Rip and Company are having a blast, and not in a good way! But hey, Dan, we fans are always rooting for you and spreading the good Rip Haywire word!
I dont care what your sig. other says, Dutch and Rip are HOT!! lolHugPounceszzz Haywire Hooligans and Dan I bought the books off of Amazon, and I still say YOU DA MAN DAN!!
Veridian almost 13 years ago
Shouldn’t Panel One have Read “Meanwhile, back at the Ranch…” ??? :-) HUGPOUNCESZZZ!!! Have Fun Y’all!
APersonOfInterest almost 13 years ago
“THE VOICE!!!” … Really? The Voice?-Just kidding. I’ve never watched THE VOICE.
dan thompson creator almost 13 years ago
The Scorpions sting is a collection of the 2 Rip Haywire stories where the Scorpion was the villain. It’s a fun in full color collection of those 2 stories. You don’t need a kindle to get it, you just need the free kindle app for your computer or Ipad to view it. At $2.99 (which was the lowest price they’d allow me to price it) it’s might be worth it…on the print side…I’m going to be collecting the 3rd year of comics strips soon…the 1st Scorpion Story is in the first book and the 2nd will be in the 3rd book. I truly appreciate all of you Haywire Hooligans who purchase my books…While I’m not the most rewarded cartoonist, I certainly feel rewarded with fans like you guys!
punchydugan almost 13 years ago
For the record,I would love to purchase a full color collection of Rip and company in print. Glad to hear that a third book is in the offing. That should just about catch me up with where i came in. I’m also waiting for the next Rip Haywire graphic novel.
DorianKTB almost 13 years ago
Uh-oh! Looks like Rip and Company are having a blast, and not in a good way! But hey, Dan, we fans are always rooting for you and spreading the good Rip Haywire word!
Dragoncat almost 13 years ago
Oh, THERE they are!
Linda Solomon almost 13 years ago
I dont care what your sig. other says, Dutch and Rip are HOT!! lolHugPounceszzz Haywire Hooligans and Dan I bought the books off of Amazon, and I still say YOU DA MAN DAN!!
jmcx4 almost 13 years ago
@APOINOW I think I know what happened to Number Six.
LordDogmore almost 13 years ago
It can’t be Rip & Co. and here’s why:1. There’s no “KA-BOOMIE”2. The fireball isn’t big enough and3. That aint a mushroom cloud.