Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for March 02, 2012
Dutch: Mac, what was that giant explosion? Cactus: You best sit down, amigos. It's a heckuva sidewinder tah lasso with the ol' brainpan, cowpokes. Fawn: Dutch, some gray-haired chick asked me to give this note to you. Note: No matter what they tell you about our boy - never believe it! Cactus: What's it say, Dutch? Dutch: Er... somebody trying to sell me vinyl siding.
mntim almost 13 years ago
That’s Evil Mom’s handwriting. I’d recognize it anywhere.
APersonOfInterest almost 13 years ago
Linda Solomon almost 13 years ago
That note turned Dutch into a rambling wreck from Cactus Tech! And Mom obviously still has feelings for both her guys…will Dutch and Mac find the bodies? Will said bodies be in pieces far flung across the countryside or be whole and plotting revenge on the goodness council and the dastardly women that put Rip, Cobra and Tnt in mortal peril to begin with?!?.This feeble mind needs to know!!.HugPounceszzz Haywire Hooligans and enjoy a lovely weekend!
spyguy almost 13 years ago
Stay tuned for the next thrilling…uh….panel strip!
DorianKTB almost 13 years ago
William Powell put it best in AFTER THE THIN MAN: “This is the CRAZIEST case!” :-)
tylerholt almost 13 years ago
I think she’s trying to tell Dutch that Rip is alive and that he isn’t guilty. after all she liked Cobra and TNT
Dragoncat almost 13 years ago
Evil Mom may be evil, but she is still a MOM…