Taking the LEMON MOMENT ~ Choose to live your life making a difference. We all know individuals who have lived their live in a noble and honorable way, one day at a time. And those same everyday heroes have had a basket full of lemons too. The difference is that some decide to do more than make lemonade; they use their lives to show each one of us what it truly means to face life’s greatest struggles with dignity, compassion, and an overwhelming love for others. They laugh, embrace, move forward, open our hearts and minds, notice the beauty around them, adjust, decide to go the distance, and evaluate their significance in the universe. Measure your life not by lemons, but by lifting high a glass of lemonade and toasting bright promises.
Superfrog almost 13 years ago
Go fish, Zig.
oddball1972 almost 13 years ago
Cut it open and plant the seeds. In time, you’ll have more lemon’s to make lemonade, pies. The sky is the limit!!!
stewartava almost 13 years ago
How much lemonade does one person need?One lemon can make a lot of delicious lemonade Ziggy..
keeler_james almost 13 years ago
It depends on how big the lemon is. Like a Ford Torus: Lots.
skymante almost 13 years ago
You can count all the seeds in a lemon, but not all the lemons in a seed!
rmacprivate almost 13 years ago
As Ron White might say, plenty if you add enough vodka.
jslabotnik almost 13 years ago
When someone says “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade”, I always say, to make lemonade life needs to give me some sugar too
revisages almost 13 years ago
and when life hands you melons, make melodies
DrMoses almost 13 years ago
For you Ziggy, one is plenty! Just as some salt and Tequila and live in the moment.
Barbaratoo almost 13 years ago
The way I see it, the glass of lemonade could be half empty or half full. (I would see it as half full!)
DrMoses almost 13 years ago