Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for February 27, 2012
bixby: who're you? Dino: I'm dougie the dinosaur! kids will love me! come on, look at me! Why can't I be a star?? I'm cute, cuddly, funny, and approachable!! Bixby: Yeah, I don't see any reason why you couldn't be as big as barney, you...uh..what's--?? dino: Okay, I'm beginning to see where there might be some room for improvement....
Coyoty Premium Member almost 13 years ago
♫ I love you… inside me… ♫
Andrew2011 almost 13 years ago
Dougie is looking more and more real.
Gyrrakavian almost 13 years ago
That’ll teach those kids to behave really fast.
BadAxeFF almost 13 years ago
i think a better tagline would be…“okay , im starting to see a DOWNSIDE, here”.