Speed Bump by Dave Coverly for March 01, 2012

  1. Artrazz 2
    fredbuhl  almost 13 years ago

    Is it 2014 already?

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  2. Img
    Bob.  almost 13 years ago

    For a nice price jump. You really think they will do anything for “free”? Dream on.

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  3. Hacking dog original
    J Short  almost 13 years ago

    Insurance, it’s all about them hanging on to the money.

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  4. Robby
    V-Beast  almost 13 years ago

    “So we’ll have to do an emergency walletectomy.”

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  5. Jerry lakehead
    jtviper7  almost 13 years ago

    Where has that nose been to get that warm…?

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    iced tea  almost 13 years ago

    That’s the sad fact about insurance today. Just a doggone hassle.

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    captain kidney  almost 13 years ago

    It is sad that the bills for our pet health care are much higher than our bills for people health care. Our pets are definately worth it, but I’m still kinda hoping there’s gonna be a way to add our pets onto our healthcare. ;) 500 dollars for a checkup and bloodtests is getting to be a bit much.

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    sbwinn  almost 13 years ago

    It has turned into a government jobs program. The British NHS is the second largest employer in the world.

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  9. Rah
    rangerboymark  almost 13 years ago

    Sometimes comments are funnier than comics. But, not today. Why do people make serious comments here?

    Let’s see if I can put a damper on things………

    Each year, about 1.2 million people in the United States have heart attacks, and many of them die. CHD, which often results in heart attacks, is the leading killer of both men and women in the United States.

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    pogodog7  almost 13 years ago

    He needs Obamavare

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