Hey Jock! Would you like to be the leader of the gang today? Yes- course I'm sure! Off you go! You lead, we'll follow... I'm no fool! Beware of the Dog
But its 3 against 1…and the small dogs can get under the bigger one and do some damage. I know because when I was pregnant and out for a walk, my two min. pins took on the sheriffs german shepard and my two little ones ran him off!…go on with your bad selves Fred and Yorky and Jock!
Tog almost 13 years ago
The art of leadership is in proper delegation.
Chconfer almost 13 years ago
Oh my, Matey. You led poor Jock into harm’s way. I don’t know………….
Linda Solomon almost 13 years ago
But its 3 against 1…and the small dogs can get under the bigger one and do some damage. I know because when I was pregnant and out for a walk, my two min. pins took on the sheriffs german shepard and my two little ones ran him off!…go on with your bad selves Fred and Yorky and Jock!
persil almost 13 years ago
Trust you Fred!!!!!!!!!
lily245pj almost 13 years ago
Bad to the bone!!