Jane's World by Paige Braddock for March 02, 2012

  1. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    From yesterday — sheesh! Paige never said we’d see rabbits, she said while she worked on a new project with rabbits we would see older episodes of Jane’s world!

    But I always love all the people demanding that artists produce new work for them.And for free!

    I’ll take what I can get — and thank you, Paige, for sharing! I know you have to work on the stuff that actually makes you a living…..and I know this doesn’t.

    Meanwhile,,,, thanks Lexi, and no problem….. just wanted to make sure you got the info…..

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  2. Yoda
    Farce Wars  almost 13 years ago

    Good morning all. I don’t know Susan☼ if you saw my post from yesterday’s comments but I said thanks.From another post, I was asked if I knew PurpleRiver since some stuff was just like his. Yup, I’m the same. I’m thinking about keeping PurpleRiver as a screen name on all my comments. Thanks.

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  3. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Which that? Jane or her dog?

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  4. Yoda
    purpleriver  almost 13 years ago

    At least he’s still on a leash. The other day, I was rushing to my car and there was a large dog, wagging tail but growling. He seemed confused, I know I was. Wagging is good? Growling was bad? I know at least being late to work is bad….

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    BetaJane creator almost 13 years ago

    Blast from the past: That’s Natalie, who worked at the quicki-mart with Jane for a brief period.

    Funny story… I worked with a guy in Chicago who bought second hand down jackets (human jackets) and then gave them to all his dogs to wear in the park in the winter time. It was a true-life comedy scene that inspired this strip.

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    BetaJane creator almost 13 years ago

    btw, this series runs 6 days a week, so don’t miss the weekends :-)

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