We could get more stunning photos like these if the White House would stop cutting NASA’s funding back. Hard to take shots like these from a Poloroid atop the Sears Tower…
Harryfan, you may be aware of Soumi College, in Houghton, MI. They recently changed the name to Finlandia University…Their gear, such as caps with the initials F.U. on them, are very popular. Go figure….
otforever over 12 years ago
Oops. that was me. But I thought it was a traffic camera.
Phatts over 12 years ago
… that’s right, and if you do it again, gonna blink again …
corzak over 12 years ago
Winky, that’s gonna cost you.
V-Beast over 12 years ago
Nobody mooned?
Varnes over 12 years ago
Arch, you caught me…..Hey, anybody else see those bird fingers? Millions of ’em……
Bilan over 12 years ago
I can see my house from here!Not!
Coyoty Premium Member over 12 years ago
I couldn’t help it, that infrared was right in my eyes.
GoodQuestion Premium Member over 12 years ago
And I thought they were taken by those guys in the Google truck. . . . . ☻
Sandfan over 12 years ago
They tried taking another picture, but got photobombed by Pluto.
gordrogb Premium Member over 12 years ago
Those “pictures” of the third planet are amazing. I just hope they do not make similar of the 7th planet. that would be gross.
McGehee over 12 years ago
That wasn’t my eye…
Harryfan over 12 years ago
Suomi is the name for Finland in their native tongue.
But this project was named for the late Verner E. Soumi a meteorologist at the University of Wisconsin.coldsooner over 12 years ago
We could get more stunning photos like these if the White House would stop cutting NASA’s funding back. Hard to take shots like these from a Poloroid atop the Sears Tower…
catqueen over 12 years ago
The bunny ears over Mount Rushmore were not appreciated.
Saucy1121 Premium Member over 12 years ago
So did my friend. But, they blurred out her face.
David Bethke Premium Member over 12 years ago
Do you mean something like this?
Varnes over 12 years ago
Harryfan, you may be aware of Soumi College, in Houghton, MI. They recently changed the name to Finlandia University…Their gear, such as caps with the initials F.U. on them, are very popular. Go figure….