Thatababy by Paul Trap for April 29, 2012
TV: ninth inning!! bases loaded!! Pujols at the plate! TV: fwitch! TV: To deny the facts would be most illogical, doctor! TV: Click! it's off the wall!! TV: fwitch! TV: yo gabba gabba! TV: click! it's a play at the plate! TV: fwitch! TV: All for three easy payments of $19.99! Thatababy: I only endorse the clickmaster 2000 universal remote and it's long-range signal!!
pouncingtiger over 12 years ago
Baby learns early how to frustrate Dad.
LingeeWhiz over 12 years ago
Ok, night night thatababy. Click!
Comic Minister Premium Member over 12 years ago
I can’t believe little man had another remote.
XtremePearls over 12 years ago
what about the long-range cellphone hanger-upper? :)
Jkiss over 12 years ago
Baby is leaning a tad bit on the diabolical side. :-)
keltii over 12 years ago
Go back to Star Trek!
DavidAo over 12 years ago
Bet TV repairman is getting a call soon! :)
ThataCrabRave almost 4 years ago
Oh, That is an EPIC prank!
adoragem123 over 3 years ago
just like our Firestick!