Pickles by Brian Crane for April 02, 2012

  1. Kenny
    The Nihilist  over 12 years ago

    Let me see… who was censoring Earl’s opinion’s earlier?

    Hard to have a fun, meaningful conversation talking to a wall – Earl just doesn’t play anymore.

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    Llewellenbruce  over 12 years ago

    Earl would rather read the paper than conversewith Opal.

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  3. D8d28b235f042947530502ab483ad644
    smetlavich  over 12 years ago

    The light purple jellybeans are the worst.

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  4. Opus45
    poppy1313  over 12 years ago

    I am with Earl

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  5. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Beviek… I will gladly take your black jellybeans. I buy a bag of them every Easter, usually when they go on sale afterward, thanks to people like you who don’t want them…. But this year I haven’t found any.Sigh… I think that, too, sadly, is due to people not wanting them.

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    flyertom  over 12 years ago

    I like the black tongue you get after you eat them! Yum.

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    APersonOfInterest  over 12 years ago

    Define meaningful.

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  8. Hacking dog original
    J Short  over 12 years ago

    Now Opal, you say,“The red ones are best.”

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  9. Spideychuck
    sleeepy2  over 12 years ago

    I think we can all agree, the white ones are the worst. (I think they’re anise, ore something. Blech.)

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    nanellen  over 12 years ago

    Nope, I don’t agree, I like the anise/licorice best. After nearly 50 years, I think Crane must have a hidden camera at our home.

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    Deezlebird  over 12 years ago

    Nope, orange and red are the best. Black? Yuck, you guys can have them all!

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    anniet53  over 12 years ago

    Black jellly beans are the best.

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  13. Stagger lee
    Stagger Lee  over 12 years ago

    Opal, at this point in life, you and Earl have probably covered all the sublects many times over.

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    s_roberts99  over 12 years ago

    Been together so long they have said it all, already

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    Mythreesons  over 12 years ago

    I buy the packages of spice flavor jelly beans. Red is cinnamon, purple clove. All good. And I do like the black licorice ones, too, when I get the non=spice variety. Anyone watching Decorah Eagles? Three chicks being fed frequently. Keeps me off the comics.

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  16. Silverknights
    JanLC  over 12 years ago

    Nope, Earl’s got it right. Black licorice jelly beans are the best.

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  17. Jerry lakehead
    jtviper7  over 12 years ago

    That’s easy…Mars and Venus have two different languages.

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    Miba  over 12 years ago

    ew ewww ew ewww ewwwwwww Black jelly beans are nasty, horrid, things and I can’t understand why they make them at all! They sell those bags of entirely black ones, but do they even sell? shudder Now a bag of entirely white or pink, now THAT would be awesome. White and pink are the best.

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    Number Three  over 12 years ago

    Like taking to a brick wall with husbands sometimes.

    LOL xxx

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    EdFenstermacher20  over 12 years ago

    Clearly, the black ones are best. It’s the only color you can get whole bags of. Followed by green, red, orange, purple, yellow and white.

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    missjunebug  over 12 years ago

    Black jelly beans ARE the BEST , Susan if I find a couple sacks of all black , I’ll buy and share with you, I’ll even eat them for you. Might find them at Wally world if you get there early enough in the season…………..

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    Kathe  over 12 years ago

    I like the green jelly beans.

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    amaryllis2 Premium Member over 12 years ago

    If you go to the Jellybelly factory in Fairfield, CA, they sell bags of the misshapen ones: they’re labeled Bellyflops.

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  24. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member over 12 years ago

    When I used to eat jelly beans I liked black jelly beans the best.

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  25. Bassethound abernathy
    boldyuma  over 12 years ago

    “Okay Opal…Let’s talk about your funeral arrangements”

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  26. Grand turk view from cindi s room
    steviewonder3331  over 12 years ago

    Could it be that …when-EVER Earl utters a premise or states an opinion, Opal KNOWS IT’S OBVIOUS that he’s wrong, and therefore any discussion with Earl dealing with what he has just said would be MEANINGLESS. Thus, her closing comment.As a result of this strip, two things are obvious to me: 1) Opal doesn’t like black jelly beans.2) Opal thinks only she is capable of speaking “the truth.”Poor Earl; he’s married to a Chief, Judge & Jury !! … but it appears he’s comfortable with his married situation and doesn’t let Opal’s know-it-all style bother him.Now, whether or not he CONSCIOUSLY doesn’t let Opal bother him is ANOTHER question.Is my male-ness showing ??? (duh)

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  27. Black cat kitten folk art
    Jazz Cat  over 12 years ago

    The only jellybeans I won’t eat are the yellow ones and black ones and the spiced ones. I put them in my husband’s jellybean jar.

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