Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for May 03, 2012
There was a knock on the door. Claire turned, startled. There, silhouetted against the stormy night sky, was Tom. Her heart raced. How she had longed for this moment! Trying to maintain her composure, Claire walked over to him and said: "How ya doin'?" "How ya doin'?" I thought we were writing a romance novel! Well, you clowns try it!
lightningsnowstorm over 12 years ago
ulomz over 12 years ago
Too funny
shimoon over 12 years ago
You don’t just say “How ya doin’?”
thouπ over 12 years ago
You should go like, “WAAAAZZZZUUUUUUUUUUPP?”
Feed Me Comics! over 12 years ago
You should say,“Hey, how are you? Had a great day? I’m Claire.You’re Tom, right?” and etc
bignatefan over 12 years ago
Or, “How’s it hangin’?”
Feed Me Comics! over 12 years ago
Or, “What’s cooking, good looking?” or, “What’s shakin’ bacon?”
ArfArf88 over 12 years ago
> This is a BAD romance, man!Is there any good romance?
NateWright over 12 years ago
haha. he should of written something romantic for her to say: oh! my love, you scared the death out of me, is that ready??Yes, darling, it is, lets go…But first, oh! you look so sweet today.
And she hugs him and he looks at her, thinks something romantic that i cant think of right now and leans on her and tries to kiss her… she turns her head away, with guilt in her eyes.
Lets go now- she says.She leads the way, and Tom stats paralized just staring at her wondering…
-Are you not coming, sweetie, she says…
etc etc….
NateWright over 12 years ago
sorry tom stares
OldestandWisest over 12 years ago
I’m surprised that Nate is such a good typist, I had him pegged as a “hunt and peck” guy for sure.
TArbiter over 12 years ago
Tom replies “Hey, baby, what’s your sign?”
Poollady over 12 years ago
It’s not as easy to be romantic as one might think. lol
burleigh2 over 12 years ago
Kids really should write romance. For them, the peak of romance would be:“Hi…”“Um, hi.”“Umm… I like you… do you… like… me?”“Umm… well, I… I… yeah…”LOL!!
Comic Minister Premium Member over 12 years ago
It was worth a try!
hometownk Premium Member over 12 years ago
“How ya doin’”? works if you say it like Joey Tribiani (from Friends).
Popeyesforearm over 12 years ago
real smooth
LiviaBay over 12 years ago
Claire: So are you happy to see me or is that a (fill in the blank) in your pocket? Tom: What do you think…mmm?
peabodyboy over 12 years ago
How about "Hello, handsome, is that a ten-gallon hat or are you just enjoying the show? " That worked for Lili Von Shtupp.
Comicsfan07 over 12 years ago
This is how he should’ve wrote the sentence:Claire walked over to him breathlessly as she said ooooooh Tom( eyes twinkling).
Dr.Zombie over 12 years ago
How you doin’?
Miserichord over 12 years ago
“You’re drenched, let’s get you out of those wet clothes and warmed up.”
xall2h1 over 12 years ago
It sounded good until the third panal. “How ya doin?” like, who says that in a romance novel.
orbenjawell Premium Member over 12 years ago
Yep. This one’s falling like a rock………..either Nate will save it, or the clowns will, or…….they won’t.
starlilies over 12 years ago
No, it’s “How YOU doing…” like Joey from the show FRIENDS! lol
Sonicx79 almost 11 years ago
This is the cover:
The romantic Noval By Nate (No romance)
Destinedforgreatness1811 over 10 years ago
“I know not who you are, or how I came to find you, but may I just say, hi. How ya doin’?”- Flynn Rider
Comisftw over 10 years ago
It was actually pretty romance booklike before that
Rachel_E about 5 years ago
Tom is like Joey from Friends. XD
Darth Revan II about 4 years ago
Nate, write something like this: “Hi.” “Hi.” THEN write “how ya doin’?”
Buckles over 3 years ago
It’s now more of a comedy book than a romance novel
PBS1! over 3 years ago
Grandmaster3 over 3 years ago
Heeey Claire, how ya doin?
Mono_Matt_36 over 3 years ago
ah that’s hot!
Unicorn55 (Happy New Year 2022!) over 3 years ago
What about hello and then a smooch?
I have no social life over 2 years ago
She should have said Vas Happanin
leopardglily over 2 years ago
Bahahahaha that made me laugh pretty hard.
STUFF ENJOYER 10 months ago
“Hey, how ya doin’?”