I was in our local Albertson’s grocery one day after work going through the express lane and there was a young father in line behind me with his 4 year old. The ice cream freezers just happened to be along that wall and the father pointed to the Moose Track ice cream carton and asked the boy what it was. The little guy stated loud and proud, “That’s MOOSE POOP!”. Everybody in line burst out laughing.
Templo S.U.D. over 12 years ago
I’m a vanilla plugger, but I am starting to like various ice creams with vanilla and chocolate.
The Nihilist over 12 years ago
Phooey, just break out the spumoni…
wanderwolf over 12 years ago
I prefer a nice, pure chocolate to Neapolitan. Of course, that Bailey’s Irish Cream chocolate ice cream was pretty darn good… :9
Lyons Group, Inc. over 12 years ago
I like vanilla cream (#1). Chocolate is second, Strawberry is third, and there is a fourth flavor I like: Lemon Ice Cream.
psychlady over 12 years ago
I agree – one flavor at a time!
Plods with ...™ over 12 years ago
MosesJJN over 12 years ago
You are a plugger if you make your own ice cream…with the hand crank ice cream maker, not the electric kind.
Be Blessed.
stukuls over 12 years ago
A Plugger eats all three cartons in one night!
Redhead55 over 12 years ago
I was in our local Albertson’s grocery one day after work going through the express lane and there was a young father in line behind me with his 4 year old. The ice cream freezers just happened to be along that wall and the father pointed to the Moose Track ice cream carton and asked the boy what it was. The little guy stated loud and proud, “That’s MOOSE POOP!”. Everybody in line burst out laughing.
hippogriff over 12 years ago
momazilla over 12 years ago
Blue Bell: Moolenium Chrunch!
Big_Tex over 12 years ago
I can’t eat ice cream, but I recently found a rice based substitute that is very good. Mint with carob chips.
Gretchen's Mom over 12 years ago
Chocolate only for me PLEASE!
Misha1995 over 12 years ago
@momazilla: ANY Blue Bell is good. And Peaches and Homemade Vanilla in season…………………..ahhhhhhh
wanderwolf over 12 years ago
You buy one at a time, of course. That way, instead of paying for one gallon and getting three third-of-a-gallons, you get one solid gallon.
BillWa over 12 years ago