Tom Toles for April 09, 2012

  1. John adams1
    Motivemagus  about 12 years ago

    Wow, you have totally misinterpreted THIS cartoon, and put in an erroneous attribution to Obama, as well. Remarkable.

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  2. Jollyroger
    pirate227  about 12 years ago

    Without alternative fuels, get used to the new normal.

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    tigre1  about 12 years ago

    Gas goes up…must be the liberals fault. ANYBODY EVER SEEN A ‘LIBERAL’? If you even KNOW what a liberal is, you know that NOBODY currently in the democratic party is anywhere near anything but a right-leaning reep.

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    tigre1  about 12 years ago

    Of course, if it hadn’t been for the cowards on the right, we’d have put some taxes on gas back when it was a buck and a quarter…remember, just before Iraq? then the money would have gone to the US…but no, the reeps couldn’t take money from their Saudi sponsors…so THAT money goes to support every shirt-tail half-breed Saudi princeling that a nation of polygamists give birth to…did you know that EVERY Saudi shirt-tail cousin gets 19 grand a month, guaranteed? the more royal ones get MORE.And those guys have forty, fifty wives…and you wonder why the Saudi-sponsored ‘speculators’ raise the prices of oil?and your bought and paid republican traitors will NEVER do anything for YOU, my fellow American…except continue to pay the salaries of the propagandists at Fox, so you continue to foam at the mouth at the WRONG things. Cretins.

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    hippogriff  about 12 years ago

    Depending on the state and its amount of taxes, that share is still under a dollar a gallon. The “awl bidness” share is over that. One could theoretically get gasoline to $2.50 a gallon, but it wouldn’t stay there because oil is running out (unless you can prove it is being made faster than it is being used). However, no Republicrat has the guts to take that action. As the Populists said one and a quarter centuries ago, ban commodity trading, as it is nothing but gambling for the rich and contributes nothing to society (Peoples Party Omaha Platform of 1892).

    Second, set up a peoples’ petroleum company to compete. Yeah, it is socialism, but it worked when Trudeau did it in the 1970s in Canada. But the price will continue to rise with the drop in supply.

    I know of a couple dozen sources of energy, including only hypothetical ones like nuclear fission. We primarily use only the most environmentally destructive – oil, coal, fossil methane (natural gas), and nuclear fission – and oppose the clean ones because anyone can tap into most of them rather than just the rich who own most countries’ governments.

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    hippogriff  about 12 years ago

    It is interesting that your peculiar definition of socialist is only used by the client states of the old Soviet Union, the US, and their branch plants in Canada, and not by the social democrats in the rest of the world. Socialism is a free enterprise variety in which natural resources and “natural monopolies” are owned by the public to prevent monopolization by private interests. Capitalism is anti free enterprise and a form of tyranny, Feudalism, communism, and capitalism differ only in who is the ruling junta: hereditary nobility, central committee of the presidium, or the overlapping directors of the Forbes 500.

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  7. Img 0230
    kevin87031  about 12 years ago

    When a person says, “just saying”, I get the impression he or she is patting himself or herself on the back for being uber-clever.

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