Boy: Dad, what's "antimatter"? Man: Why, I believe that's the wife of uncle matter. Man: They were a country couple with a bunch of kids in a popular movie series of the '40's and '50's. Boy: So Dad, are you trying to make me repeat 5th grade?
pouncingtiger over 12 years ago
With a corny gag like that, the answer is yes.
Wenthral over 12 years ago
Actually I give the dad credit for coming up with that on the fly like that. Besides, its a fathers right to screw with there kids heads a little.
skeeterhawk over 12 years ago
I thought he’d say it’s an adjective describing one who is against things or issues that matter. I didn’t learn it in 5th grade, but I learned about it before I paid attention to Star Trek.
boba44 over 12 years ago
Hey, I really loved those movies.
Thehag over 12 years ago
This is pretty funny.I became and aunt at age 10 and quickly learned to pronounce it somewhere between ant and aunt. As I have said now for over 50 years, much as I find ants fascinating I am not one of them.