Fred Basset by Alex Graham for June 13, 2012

  1. Dscf2358 icon ii
    revisages  over 12 years ago

    fred, you just want to get that attention, don’t you

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  2. 0fa0 1
    Bald fat and ugly  over 12 years ago

    You just never know who’s going to use that doggy door.

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  3. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Wow, as bad as some kids…

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  4. Large 20221002 192209
    AndiJ  over 12 years ago

    Yes, just like kids. ;)

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  5. Streetlight
    dick.bertrand  over 12 years ago

    With kids one might reduce their weekly allowance or make them straiten out the mess. I’m not sure dogs have an allowance or would be able to clean up the mess.

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  6. Photo 0223
    persil  over 12 years ago

    Fred you little rascal !!!!!!!!!!

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