You actually believe the rich get more than they give? What a moronic statement. The ones getting more than they give are the parasites who live only on our tax dollars.
The biggest question is—why do we owe “real” money to the Federal Reserve who printed “fake” money out of thin air and loaned it to us? The Ponzi scheme of all Ponzi schemes!
oranaiche over 12 years ago
Tried that during and immediately after the Revolutionary War. It didn’t work.
randayn over 12 years ago
Then there’s that little problem with runaway inflation…
Stephen Gilberg over 12 years ago
A better question: What happens if we don’t pay the debt? How long before someone comes to break America’s kneecaps?
HareBall over 12 years ago
You actually believe the rich get more than they give? What a moronic statement. The ones getting more than they give are the parasites who live only on our tax dollars.
Stephen Gilberg over 12 years ago
The only way that makes any sense to me is if you’re talking about tax avoidance options like real estate. In which case I question your wording.
wordsmeet about 3 years ago
The term “national debt” is misleading.
Are2Dee2 about 1 year ago
The biggest question is—why do we owe “real” money to the Federal Reserve who printed “fake” money out of thin air and loaned it to us? The Ponzi scheme of all Ponzi schemes!