The Beandocks Welcome to Mitt Romney's new mobile phone app. My name is Mittzi. Ask me anything. Okay... Which country has the best educational system in the world? Amercia
Romney in charge is a scary thought. We will have no liberty, privacy or justice if he wins. he will make the 1% even richer and more powerful than they already are.The working people’s wages will go down and child labor will be a new reality. Why do so many vote against their own self interests.??
Templo S.U.D. over 12 years ago
Who here has heard of 242-242 (Chacha)? Text any question and it will respond… some of the time.
gladlythecrosseyedbear over 12 years ago
who’s dumber? — bush, obama, romney, kerry, lieberman, mccain, edwards, gore, rep. ryan — hard to say
gladlythecrosseyedbear over 12 years ago
forgot rubio
pam Miner over 12 years ago
Romney in charge is a scary thought. We will have no liberty, privacy or justice if he wins. he will make the 1% even richer and more powerful than they already are.The working people’s wages will go down and child labor will be a new reality. Why do so many vote against their own self interests.??