Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for January 21, 1996
Dad: How's the homework going, hon? Luann: Oh, okay. anyone know how many pounds are in a ton? Mom: That's feet in a mile. I think it's 8,000. Brad: 5,280. Dad: You're both way off. it's 186,281. Brad: Dad, that's like the speed of sound or something. Mom: Wait-it's either 7926 or 9726... dad: That sounds like the inches in a football field... Brad: 7926...that's the diameter of the earth-or is it the circumference? Mom: Are you sure? I thought was... Luann: Why am I even learning this? Obviously I'll never remember any of it.
wangjessica07 almost 7 years ago
the answer is 2000
Isaac Chen over 6 years ago
Considering all our measurement units, pounds to tons is surely not the most difficult to remember