Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for June 17, 2012
Phoebe: Mom says I can grow up to be ANYTHING I WANT. But that's not really true, is it? There are TONS of things I can never be no matter HOW badly I want to. A gazebo... "Cookie Monster"... John Quincy Adams... a lamp... a teapot... a bowl of apples... Marigold: And yet you manage to be bananas. Phoebe: A scooter... a platypus... the Crab Nebula...
Feed Me Comics! over 12 years ago
I’ve never heard about this comic before. Sounds terrific!
totalspaceman2010 over 12 years ago
A variation on “you can have it all”, which is also untrue.
giratina08 over 12 years ago
Phoebe’s point is made!
I Quit over 12 years ago
At least she’s not like my granddaughter, who wants one of everything and three of everything else. =)
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 12 years ago
you have a unicorn for a friend.i cant top that…
4everDezzy over 12 years ago
This is hilarious! I don’t know how she comes up with this sarcasm!
Comic Minister Premium Member over 12 years ago
She could be anything or anyone.
Mataata over 12 years ago
Forgot to close a quote sign there next to “Cookie Monster”.
Iron Ed over 12 years ago
Subtle, Marigold, subtle. ;-)
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Pokefan_Frank over 12 years ago
Yes! I can see the spirit of the original Girl here!
Stephen Gilberg over 12 years ago
The weirdest thing I ever wanted to be when I grew up was a lobster. I’m thinking of making a cartoon in which a kid states that wish and goes on to wear a lobster suit to advertise a seafood restaurant, boredly.
pam Miner over 12 years ago
one of the first white lies we are told.
neatslob Premium Member over 12 years ago
I saw an AFV where a kid said when he grew up he wanted to be a vampire bat.
sjsczurek over 12 years ago
Just for the heck of it, check out today’s “Mutts” comic:
Xsia over 12 years ago
she would want to be a teapot?!
Destiny23 over 12 years ago
Crab Nebula — way to think BIG, Phoebe!
JLG Premium Member over 12 years ago
John Quincy Adams? X)
darch over 12 years ago
Clearly, this “Dana Simpson” is just ripping off comic great D.C. Simpson. Observe:
This message brought to you by the hardcover Ozy and Millie collections.
kirbyfonat about 12 years ago
This seems oddly familiar…wait, didn’t she already use this joke here though the classics never get old