Romney and Obama are twins. Romney says he’s good for business, but in actuality he’s against leaving the free market alone — he thinks it’s all right for the federal reserve to fiddle with market interest rates or to print money out of thin air or to force taxpayers to buy worthless assets from megabanks. Romney thinks it’s advisable to rescue the bondholders of failed megabanks at taxpayer cost. He makes believe it’s about protecting depositors, when in fact depositors are protected anyway, since they rank higher than bondholders
Obama’s just as bad — he parrots the economics of envy that Elizabeth Warren spouts. It’s surprising that Warren gets away with faking Cherokee ancestry when her documented ancestor was a militia member who helped send the Cherokees along the Trail of Tears. Warren refuses to meet with representatives of the Cherokees because she in fact has no Cherokee blood. That’s all right with Obama, who knows nothing about the risks entrepreneurs take with their own money in creating jobs that go to the most qualified, instead of going to fake Cherokees
Big deal we know he is rich and will show a sizable income.It will also show that he donates more than10% of his income to charity. The difference is whether we want a free enterprise country or a welfare state which will eventually in a few years destroy this country.
Peabody-Martini over 12 years ago
Actually John McCain saw 23 years worth of Romney’s tax returns. Then picked Sarah Palin. Less baggage?
gladlythecrosseyedbear over 12 years ago
Romney and Obama are twins. Romney says he’s good for business, but in actuality he’s against leaving the free market alone — he thinks it’s all right for the federal reserve to fiddle with market interest rates or to print money out of thin air or to force taxpayers to buy worthless assets from megabanks. Romney thinks it’s advisable to rescue the bondholders of failed megabanks at taxpayer cost. He makes believe it’s about protecting depositors, when in fact depositors are protected anyway, since they rank higher than bondholders
Obama’s just as bad — he parrots the economics of envy that Elizabeth Warren spouts. It’s surprising that Warren gets away with faking Cherokee ancestry when her documented ancestor was a militia member who helped send the Cherokees along the Trail of Tears. Warren refuses to meet with representatives of the Cherokees because she in fact has no Cherokee blood. That’s all right with Obama, who knows nothing about the risks entrepreneurs take with their own money in creating jobs that go to the most qualified, instead of going to fake Cherokees
pschearer Premium Member over 12 years ago
Romney’s tax returns are with Obama’s college transcripts.
echoraven over 12 years ago
They are probably with Obama’s birth certificate and Bill Clinton’s health records…
STASH Premium Member over 12 years ago
Big deal we know he is rich and will show a sizable income.It will also show that he donates more than10% of his income to charity. The difference is whether we want a free enterprise country or a welfare state which will eventually in a few years destroy this country.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 12 years ago
That’s it Obama keep hammering on anything but the economy. Maybe the idiot voters won’t notice.
glenbeck over 12 years ago
true dat
DCAVALLARO over 12 years ago
and just how long did it take Obama to come up with a fake birth cerfificate ??