Dear La Cucaracha, You are divisive when you use labels to describe people. You know who does stuff like that? Dirty Liberals. We Conservatives are above using labels. signed, John Walker
Who is John Walker?A right wing tea-bagger, homophobic, anti-abortionist, global warming denier, anti Muslim, anti immigrant, pro Bachman hypocrite? Who did I leave out?
If “dirty liberal” is the worst you’ve been called (even with the deleted bad swear words) count your blessings. Conservatives are regularly called ignorant, stupid and on more than one occasion murderers who wish to starve little kids.
rockngolfer over 12 years ago
Who is John Walker?A right wing tea-bagger, homophobic, anti-abortionist, global warming denier, anti Muslim, anti immigrant, pro Bachman hypocrite? Who did I leave out?
57-Don over 12 years ago
lovin’ this arc – Lalo should keep it as a regular feature
carol Phillips Premium Member over 12 years ago
If “dirty liberal” is the worst you’ve been called (even with the deleted bad swear words) count your blessings. Conservatives are regularly called ignorant, stupid and on more than one occasion murderers who wish to starve little kids.
pam Miner over 12 years ago
pam Miner over 12 years ago
hey night gaunt, thanks! People will end up dying sooner and thriving will be a thing of their past if the GOP gets in.