It’s the modern dilemma—do we send our kids to underfunded public schools and risk their one chance at an education, or turn our backs on the other kids and pamper our own kids if we can afford it. I thought I’d explore that in this series.
This so rings true! The more funds are cut by the state, the more the answer seems to be fund raisers. While it does help, at least in the short term, for those schools whose families have money, it is causing an even greater disparity amoung those schools that have and those that do not, even between the 20 schools in our district. We are becoming publicly funded private schools, or privately funded public schools. Whichever fits better. The losers are the students from the poorest schools. I feel a commitment to support our public schools, though all this concentration on fund raisers has me considering homeschooling.
edstein2 over 12 years ago
It’s the modern dilemma—do we send our kids to underfunded public schools and risk their one chance at an education, or turn our backs on the other kids and pamper our own kids if we can afford it. I thought I’d explore that in this series.
ncalifgirl58 over 12 years ago
Just because it’s a private school doesn’t mean it’s better believe me.
robinjoan Premium Member over 12 years ago
This so rings true! The more funds are cut by the state, the more the answer seems to be fund raisers. While it does help, at least in the short term, for those schools whose families have money, it is causing an even greater disparity amoung those schools that have and those that do not, even between the 20 schools in our district. We are becoming publicly funded private schools, or privately funded public schools. Whichever fits better. The losers are the students from the poorest schools. I feel a commitment to support our public schools, though all this concentration on fund raisers has me considering homeschooling.
John Lamb Premium Member over 12 years ago
It may cost less, if you do not have to pay school taxes.
Comic Minister Premium Member over 12 years ago
I can see that look on Lizzie eyes that she’s on to something! And they are big! Her eyes I mean.
Bob. over 12 years ago
Let’s dump all those private school kids on the taxpayers.
Are2Dee2 5 months ago
You’d be better off.